19 years ago
In case you dont know.AussieSeek is to change ownership
(From the notice on the homepage of AussieSeek)
Aussieseek and all 30 domains owned by Internet Services
are for sale by tender to the highest interested bidder & offer. A list
of the domains included in the sale of AussieSeek are listed there
The Notice says Click here for a search on Google which shows over
24,000 links to AussieSeek.Com.
Email enquiries to the owners Keith Ashton & James Exton at
*** or by telephone
Sydney Australia +61 2 97118819 between 10 am aest and 6pm aest
The 1900 News Service and the Messageboards or keiths input
(He has been sick lately) will not be affected by the transfer of
ownership of AussieSeek which provides links but not hosting services
to the Messageboards sites for News Today and the Messageboard sites
both of which are on American remote servers and will continue at their
present url addresses.
The 2 ZFM Radio Services 24/7 internet audio streams of youth music and
country are also not affected.
In case you dont know.AussieSeek is to change ownership
(From the notice on the homepage of AussieSeek)
Aussieseek and all 30 domains owned by Internet Services
are for sale by tender to the highest interested bidder & offer. A list
of the domains included in the sale of AussieSeek are listed there
The Notice says Click here for a search on Google which shows over
24,000 links to AussieSeek.Com.
Email enquiries to the owners Keith Ashton & James Exton at
*** or by telephone
Sydney Australia +61 2 97118819 between 10 am aest and 6pm aest
The 1900 News Service and the Messageboards or keiths input
(He has been sick lately) will not be affected by the transfer of
ownership of AussieSeek which provides links but not hosting services
to the Messageboards sites for News Today and the Messageboard sites
both of which are on American remote servers and will continue at their
present url addresses.
The 2 ZFM Radio Services 24/7 internet audio streams of youth music and
country are also not affected.